Tag Archives: leaders debate

Ok, that was awesome

I know I’m a partisan, but Elizabeth May rocked that debate. I’m particularly thrilled that she named fixing our broken electoral system as her number one priority. It probably wasn’t the answer a focus group would have told her to use, but it was the right one. (And now, as I type this, it’s also the topic of the first question in the post-debate press scrum.) Also worth noting that I still can’t remember the last time Jack Layton even mentioned fair voting. Got anything to say, Dipper Chick?

Also, special thanks to the CBC for not repeating last night’s error.

CP24 Thursday Night

I’ve been asked to provide pre-debate commentary on CP24 here in Toronto from 8-9pm Thursday night before the English language leaders’ debate.

Just finished watching the French language debate and I think Elizabeth May did very well. You just wait until tomorrow night, gentlemen.

In other news, the best live blog award definitely goes to Macleans, though I am a fan of CalgaryGrit’s debate drinking game.