Tag Archives: progressive bloggers

A Senator, A Candidate, and A Blogger

I’m proud to draw your attention to three more endorsements of my candidacy, in no particular order.

The first is from The Honourable and Very Reverend Dr. Lois Miriam Wilson, a former independent Senator (appointed by Prime Minister Chrétien), former Moderator of the United Church of Canada, and a Companion of the Order of Canada. Some of Lois’ other accomplishments include being a recipient of the Pearson Medal of Peace, a director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, and a member of Fair Vote Canada’s advisory board (something that you know is of particular interest to me). Lois writes, “I endorse Chris Tindal because he clearly articulates a sound political platform and demonstrates political leadership of a fresh young generation.”

The second is from Dr. Rose A. Dyson, a former federal Progressive Conservative candidate and current Chair of Science for Peace (Media Working Group) at the University of Toronto. It’s been great to get to know Rose better over the past few years. She writes, “Chris Tindal is exactly the kind of ethical, Green candidate we need in Parliament. His sound judgment and grasp of the political challenges facing us at this juncture in our human history inspires and offers hope for a sustainable future to young and old alike in Toronto Centre.”

The third endorsement is from our progressive blogging community. I was happy to read last week that James Calder of The Progressive Right was coming to my campaign launch, saying “it’s time to try something new.” He made it clear, however (both in his post and when speaking with me at the launch) that he was just kicking the tires. Then, two days after visiting our office, he made a post titled Vote for Chris Tindal in Toronto Centre.

Thanks to all! I’m honoured to have your support.