In The News Again

Well, the student news. ;-)

Ryerson graduate Chris Tindal was 24 when he ran as a Green Party candidate in last January’Â’s election. Tindal says the challenges of running in an election are the same regardless of age: finding time and money.”You have no personal life for the duration of the campaign.” During his campaign, Tindal said some days that began at 7:30 a.m. and ended at 1:30 a.m.

When Tindal ran in the federal election, he wanted to relate with voters, especially the youth. He says people respected him and listened to what he had to say in spite of his age. Out of the thousands of doors he knocked on, he only encountered one woman who made a rude comment about his age.

“She sort of laughed and said ‘‘Do you shave?’Â’ But she took the flier anyway. I think she was trying to be funny.”

In other news (how’s that for a transition?), today is International Car Free Day. Do you know where your councillor is?

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