Sunday, November 26, 2006

NDP Attacks Greens!

Oh boy is this an exciting day. The NDP, whose candidate said at the start of this campaign that the Green Party wouldn't be a factor, has been distributing a specifically anti-Green flyer. Clearly, we've now convinced them that we are a factor. There's much celebration here in the May campaign office.

I heard about the flyer today from a disgruntled NDP volunteer I bumped into while canvassing. She'd been shocked to see it and had refused to hand it out. She mentioned that her young daughter, who'd been canvassing with her, had been particularly upset by the whole thing.

For the text of the flyer, Elizabeth May's take on the attack, and some pretty funny context to a quote of Elizabeth's that had its context unduly removed, check out Elizabeth May's blog post.

Tomorrow. Monday. This is it.


At 10:50 PM, James said...

Disappointing for sure. There's no call for it. Megan Walker shot herself in the foot over and over again in this by-election. The decision to attack Elizabeth May and the Green Party on the last weekend is a desperate act by a weak candidate. If that's an indication of the capibility of most NDP candidates then I feel sorry for them... their day has come and gone.


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